Providing each patient with the best possible
solution for their eye care needs
Modern Technology
Gone are the days when a pair of glasses involved a frame and two simple pieces of glass ground to the correct prescription. With the help of modern technology, both the manufacturing and the design of spectacle lenses have improved greatly. Lenses have become clearer, lighter and visually much more comfortable to look through than anything that was possible just a few years ago.
What we can fit you with
We have been supplying Zeiss lenses for years and for most people these are an excellent and very comfortable solution. Zeiss is the world’s best lens options for your eyes.
Single vision lenses
Bifocal lenses
Varifocal lenses
Computer lenses
You can focus perfectly on your computer and get up to make a cup of coffee or have a chat with a co-worker in the office without taking your glasses off. Because you can also read with them your eyes are able to relax more ensuring a more suitable posture. You will notice the positive effects even after work.
You can also opt for coatings like scratch-resistant or anti-reflection.
- Specialty eyewear for specific tasks
- Computer glasses
- Eye protection glasses
- Safety glasses with prescription
- Sports goggles
- Driving glasses

People change. Eyes change.
Our commitment to quality eyecare doesn't.