McDowell Opticians offers an accredited Emergency Eye Care service. This is part of a new NHS-funded referral scheme called NI PEARS. It recognizes the role of specially trained optometrists as the first port of call for eye problems.
If you have a sudden eye complaint you can get it urgently assessed by us. In the majority of cases, this can be quicker than waiting for an appointment with your GP or attending A&E. You will receive the same type of eye examination offered by an optometrist in the hospital, and we can usually prescribe a course of treatment. If there is a more serious problem, you will be referred to a specialist at the eye hospital.

Conditions Commonly Treated
- Corneal abrasions (scratched eye)
- Eye allergies
- Keratitis (inflamed cornea)
- Conjunctivitis (red eye)
- Anterior uveitis
- Pain and/or discomfort in the eyes, around the eye area
- Sudden reduction in vision in one or both eyes
- Recent onset or sudden increase of flashes and/or floaters in one or both eyes
- Suspected foreign body in the eye.
Northern Ireland Primary Eye-care Assessment and Referral Service
People change. Eyes change.
Our commitment to quality eyecare doesn't.